Kaiser is committed to sustainability both in how we run the organization as well as the products and services we offer to our customers and partners. Kaiser provides sustainable solutions with DyStar’s committed products.

Sustainable Products
The DyStar econfidence® program provides assurance to our textile customers that the dyes and chemicals we supply comply with legal requirements e.g. REACH. It also offers guidance so that the selected products are compliant with voluntary regulations e.g. Oeko-Tex and Brand & Retailer RSL (Restricted Substance List) requirements.The econfidence commitment assures customers of the highest possible levels of product quality and environmental responsibility and is backed up by the most extensive eco testing program of any textile chemical supplier.Kaiser offers skillful ecology solutions with Kaiser ecology team. The team supports textile mills, dyes houses, and laundries to meet the demand for responsible and sustainable production.
Sustainability Report
As a trusted provider of colorants, auxiliaries, and sustainability services, DyStar plays a key role in supporting textile producers, brands, and retailers. This report highlights DyStar’s effort in integrating sustainability within our core operations, as well as across our value chain. We commit to taking an active stance in managing our production footprint to ensure a resilient and sustainable future for our partners and consumers.